Hello Hi.
There has something that has been bugging me for quite some time now. With all these 'talent' shows and what not, one would think that music would get better? Thus is not the case. In fact, music is getting worse as time progresses...I don't even want to consider this as music!! It is becoming unnecessary noise in the club and on the radio. It's simply just giving me a huge headache. I must admit, the beats are hot and usually club bangers, but have you heard the lyrics?! I don't get it... how is it cool to her the same phrase over and over again?!'Gucci bandanna Gucci bandanna Gucci Gucci bandanna" or the prime example..."aaaall the way tuuuurnt uuup" TURNT is DEFINITELY NOT A WORD: AND YOU CANNOT USE IT IN A SENTENCE. This is only promoting illiteracy! Okay, fine. I admit it! Back in high school my girls and our dance group (being minority of course we had to stick to our roots. lol) we did the ''crank dats'... but seriously...look how long ago that was! I hope that I was not the only person that thought Souljah Boy was going to be a one hit wonder...I wish he was...then maybe hip hop would be a lot better than it is now. I'm sure if he went to class and concentrated he would not be averaging F's and begging for D's. Is this the future generation? I sincerely hope NOT. if it is my kids are for sure going to be home schooled and forced to listen to 90s music...when music was sweet. I could go on with this for pages..But I wanna go watch a movie. Soo goodnight for now!
Until my next rant and rave!
Hello my loyal readers. As most of you know, I recently went on "vacation" to Orlando, Florida-to visit Mickey and Mini at Disneyland...(Shut up, I know I'm a big kid! It was mad fun though; I thoroughly believe that if you have not visited Disneyland you should!! Lol Anyways.....) Usually, my favourite part of the vacation is getting there; however, Airtran made that impossible for me to enjoy.
Let me just tell you about my experience with this airline......
When we were first getting ready to leave Buffalo Airport the flight was delayed two hours. If one of my boys hadn't called and checked for me, I would never have known. Luckily for us, their mess up was our gift because we were late and would have missed that flight. Okay, cool. The flight is delayed, no problem, it happens right? No biggie. But because that flight was delayed, our connecting flight was no longer connected because we would not make it at the time it would be ready to depart. I assume that the airline thought they were doing us a favour by putting us on an earlier flight that connects to Orlando. Unfortunately they forgot about our luggage. As we approached Orlando Florida, our bags and whatnots were chillin in ATL. Not doing us any good seeing as though it was about 12:15 am, we were jet lagged, hungry and had no clothes. You see, my momma always told me to put an extra change of clothes and panties in my carry-on just in case the airline lost our luggage. I always told her they're not going to lose it and that she needs to stop being so paro. Obviously Airtran proved me wrong. This just happened to be the time that I took her "foolish advice" (as she puts it) and carried an extra pair in my bag. We basically had to fight the stinkin airline to send our baggage to the resort so we could get there before we lost our room too. SUPERSTARR (that's me) IS NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL.
Okay, so fast forward thru the good, fun parts...cuz no one wants to hear about that.... Plus, it was mad cold.
I finished packing late last night; early this morning at around 1:30am I felt happy because that meant I would get to have a nice long hot shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own comfortable bed when I get home in a few hours. In contrast I felt kinda sad because now I must return to reality and continue with my routine life as a full time student with a j-o-b. Keep in mind that I have an exam at 12pm the following day. I then have my nightly shower and finally get to bed around 2am... I have to be up by 3am in order to be in the lobby so we can catch the cab we called in advance by 4am in order to catch our flight to ATL at 6am. That means I get 1 hour of sleep and plenty of running around and lots of heavy lifting of bags. "Today is another day" I think to myself as I'm getting out of bed. "I have an idea what to expect today, I just hope that my expectations for today are part of God's plan." They were not. The elevator gets stuck with five suitcases surrounding me. That was only for about two minutes. "Soft, I'm going home to sleep in my bed after a nice hot shower. I'll be there soon." I kept repeating that to myself so I would have something to look forward to. WRONG AGAIN SUPERSTARR. Even though we had called in advance, some random guy decided that we wanted a ride with us but his flight left half an hour earlier. The driver decided that his flight was priority and left my family and I outside the hotel: luggage and child in hand....Okay, now someone is playing a joke cuz this many things can't go wrong in just one week...I'm just waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell me that I've been punkd..If he doesn't then what in the world is going on??? No fret, we get another cab within a matter of minutes after raising hell in the lobby. At the hotel now, three out of the four suitcases were overweight. (Not mine of course cuz I packed smart and put half of my belongings in my carry on *puts cool shades on*). Cool. Everything else seems to be going according to plan. Child is awake and waking for a change, baggage is checked, no problems with security, flight boarded on time, little to no turbulence during flight...AND THEN.
We reach ATL to get our connecting flight to Buffalo and low and behold there was a problem!! I knew it was too good to be true!! Airtran over booked. OVER over booked. There were about ten people that were denied entry to the plane. Not including the four of us. I'm not a numbers person, but that means about 14 people that could not board the plane. I'm now STUCK in ATL with limited funds because we still need to pay for parking in Buffalo. It's not even like we're here for an hour or two or even three. We have to be here for at least 12 freakin hours. Needless to say we are all irate-my mommy included. Which is interesting cuz she's the one that tells me that I'm gonna raise my blood pressure if I get angry to quick. . We are not even guaranteed a seat on the next flight! We're on standby! By the grace of God, some people did not make the flight at 4pm and the 14 people made it on that flight. Airtran gave us each two roundtrip tickets to anywhere they fly, 25% our next purchase with them as well as money to get some food. They better have!! My advice is: if you plan on travelling with Airtran, make sure it is NOT a connecting flight. Trust me. You’ll appreciate my opinion later.
Other than this inconvenient airline full of incompetent employees messing up my journey, my trip was great.
Be patient young grasshopper.
Hello loyal readers. hope all is well. In case you were wondering, I am doing exceptionally well. why you ask? well LET ME TELL YOU, recently i had the pleasure of doing some mindfulness exercises instead of my regular lecture. I believe that this was one of the most relaxing, soul inspiring, spirit-lifting experience i have had in a very long time. This experiment, (as i like to call it; profs like to experiment different techniques with students), was so moving that i decided to write about patients and the affect being patient has on clients and coworkers in the newspaper for work. I wrote about how to be patient and pick your battles. I wrote alot of other crap that really isnt important..however; i would like to share the tips with you all. Maybe, i will be able to expereiment this mindfullness exersice with you? I probably will, you know me always expereimenting lol. anyways, here are the tips I created, ENJOY!!! :)
(keep in mind that this is geared more for tutors of adult literacy, but it is very possible to apply these in your everyday life..also, this is not the final copy, im just getting tired so i'm going to sleep and leaving it this way lol. the edited version will be submitted at work but not here. just read the thing and dont complain. lol)
Figure out what triggers you.
What things trigger you to lose your patience? How often do these things trigger you? Think about these things and write them down. Reflect on why these things trigger you. Can you do something to prevent them? Write down possible ways to effectively address these triggers without harming those around you. Being aware of what ‘sets you off’ can be part of the healing process.
Don’t forget to breathe.
When you know that you are about to lose you patients and you think that you are at the point of no return shut your eyes. Take a deep breath. Slowly count to ten. Take the time out to gather your thoughts and remember what is important. Sometimes we loose focus on what is really important. Is what you’re losing your patients for really worth it? Is there another way you can approach this situation? Breathe in, breathe out.
Everything takes time.
Remember that nothing in this world comes easy. Everyone works at a different pace and you cannot rush anyone who does not want to be rushed. Everything takes time. Again, you have to remember what‘s important and if a situation can be avoided. Nothing good happens right away and you have to remember that when you expectations are not reached you may lose patients.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day”-Proverb
Take a time out.
Even five minutes can make a huge difference. Take this time beforehand to calm down, visualize how to effectively handle a situation that may occurs and if applicable; address it as tastefully as possible. Ask yourself: what am I going to say? What will the other person say? What will be outcome of the situation?
Live, love, laugh, learn and teach.
It’s not the end of the world. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. Often people get too caught up with things that could happen in their life and they forget about life’s most important things. Loving and laughing with each other can be good for effective communication and also great for the soul. No one is perfect and there is always room for improvement. Do not get frustrated because something has not reached your expectations. Instead, think of ways to change it if you desire or think of how you can deal with this.
Keep practising
Practice makes perfect. Having patience is not always the easiest thing. But always remember that it usually will have positive results in the end. The more you practice being patient the more good you will see happening. If you are patient with one person, that person may be patient with someone else and so one. This positive chain reaction can lead to having a healthier community.
Note: A very wise person once told me that patience is a virtue. In life, I often struggled to understand the true meaning behinds these wise words. As time passed by, and I grew older with maturity, wisdom and knowledge; I began to understand what patience really means. I began to understand that there is a reaction for every action. When I found that someone was not patient with me, I could see that characteristic reflected in me onto someone else and vice versa.
"Patience is counting down without blasting off."
Author Unknown,
"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg - not by smashing it." Arnold Glasow.
Ah Trini Ting..
soo, at this point in time(5am) when i should be finishing my assignment that is due in a couple hours (8am)... i am procrastinating as usual.. and SOMEHOW i stumbled across the following while writing about my work..
· yuh go by family (in-laws) over de holidays and yuh only take food in small amounts (at different times and locations and if yuh add it up yuh probably eat dem out), because yuh fraid of big eye.
· yuh does hide from Jehovah witnesses.
· you could fete in the midst of a disaster
· You ever got licks as a child for not saying Good Morning", "Good Evening", or "Good Night" to everyone in the house...
· Every Sunday you have "Sunday Lunch" which consists of macaroni pie, calaloo with crab, stewed chicken, plantain, dasheen...
·You ever got licks with a rollin'-pin, a swizzle-stick, or a pot-spoon.
· You say "ah telling yuh"... even if someone else is the one who's telling you what happened...
· You point with your lips...and you give directions with your hands... even if it's in another state (yuh jus go up de road and when yuh see...)
· You go to parties for the food... and the word free never quite had the same meaning.
· You nod your head upwards to greet someone... and sideways when the joke stale.
· You say "boy" at the beginning of a sentence and "man" at the end of it... and the words "yes we" doesn't refer to any people...
· You have "knick knacks" all over your home... and a glass cabinet or a space saver to put them in.
· You put ketchup and peppersauce on your pizza. Anchovies? Yuh lossin it or what?
· You make a drink and ice cream with peanut butter but you never put it on bread with jelly... but you might put it on your dixie biscuits
· You think eating salted cod fish and fried bread is a great morning meal.
· Your cupboards are full of canned corned beef, pepper sauce and red beans and baked beans ...and a dry coconut for the pelau.
· You think steak is a waste of good meat. You rather cut it up and stew it with some potatoes instead ... or curry it and make roti.
· You have shares in kool-aid.
· You bring home food from a party. The word "storm" has nothing to do with the weather. .
· You put ice in your beer ...and you chew the ice when you're finished with the beer. Drinking wine is too sissy is for fruits.
· You still say "Father Christmas" and "Old Years' night" ...and "dis August holidays" actually start in July.
· You show disappointment by sucking on your teeth (steupsing) ...and you can conjugate "ah steupse" by age four (three if yuh smart )
· When someone pays you a compliment, you say "Doh mamaguy meh". .
· When someone sympathises with you, you comment "Yuh think it easy?".
· You refer to all sweet coloured juice as "Kool-Aid".. .
· Just because something is called a "bake" you don't assume that it indicates the way it was cooked. .
· You have at least one relative living in either England, Canada, or the US. .
· You either see, speak to, lime with, or hear about at least one of your "ex's" regularly.
· You know about straightening, pressing, S-curls and Gherri curls regardless of your ethnic background.
· You have canceled plans because of rain even when you're going to be indoors ...Rain is also a legitimate reason to be late for a rendez-vous... or to miss work.
· You have been to at least one party where you have seen the sun rise.
· You know the meanings of: "washing wares"; "straightening a room"; "bodice"; "sucking yuh teeth"; "cut-eye"; "hot foot"; "bouff".
· Despite lack of interest, someone has tried to convince you of the benefits of taking a purge, or becoming a born again.
· No matter how old you are, you still call your parents Mummy and Daddy.
· You use baby powder. You still eat fries with ketchup AND MUSTARD.
· You know the meaning of several Indian words, eg. "dahl", "bahgee", "channa", "bharra", "chunkae", "bowgee" and use them in every language ...and actually believe them to be the correct English terms. .
· You eat "wild meat" - stuff that some people keep as pets or may consider disgusting animals; like Iguana, Lappe, Matte, Tattoo (not the skin paintings) or Manicou.
· You can't bring yourself to using the correct "scientific" names of sensitive body parts because you think it sounds vulgar. Instead you use child-like words such as "tot tots", "totie", "bam bam" or "bumsy" and "tun tun" or "toonie". .
i must say, that despite the fact that i was born in this cold country, mommy, taunty and uncle an 'em taught me just was they would as if i were in Trinidad
· You know Trinis will curry any and everything (not just meat) even mango, fish, conch, chataigne, etc...
· When you ask for PEPPER you don't mean ground black pepper.
Not a happy camper
Okay. So it is 8:15am and I am blogging. WHY am I blogging instead of being at work or on my way to work you ask? Oh, well, simply because it has not been a very good morning. What had happened was…I partially woke up this morning as usual at 6:30am and turned off my alarm clock. My mother had called me and we spoke for a bit. As 7:00am gradually approaches I sluggishly begin to open my eyes and become aware of my surroundings. SUDDENLY, before I have a chance to come around entirely the building fire alarm goes off. Now, keep in mind that this is not the first nor the second time that the fire alarm has gone off so I was partially hoping that it would immediately turn off and stop the piercing, deafening unnecessary noise in my ear drum so early in the morning. Needless to say; I was more than peeved. All of the tenants vacated the building; asking questions and making jokes..I have no idea why they were laughing or having fun..maybe they’re morning people..on top of the fact that I was rudely awakened, it was FREEZING and SNOWING outside.. ANYWAYS, in the brief time that I spoke with my mom she told me that there was some sort of criminal activity that police were investigating en route to my place of work. In turn, this means that I will have to find another route because there is going to be one hundred and one people trying to use their usual path-through the crime scene- and I would be even more late than anything else. I am going to finish getting ready for work now.. I don’t even think I should be going however I need these hours. This is positively, unquestionably, without doubt, undeniably a SERIOUSLY FML morning. I cant WAIT to see what the rest of my day will look like. Wish me luck!!
Oh, yeah and happy family literacy day. BAHUMBUG.
Where are my manners? (probably outside in the snow..)
Ol' School Reppin'
hello my admirers!! lets just jump in to it cuz in know you don’t want to read foolishness... so first and foremost I would like to thank my girl [ENTER NAME HERE] for bringing back more blasts from the past. During the past week I have been looking up CLASSIC know? The ones that made you laugh even though the humour was more mature than we were but we laughed anyways because we thought we really understood why the punch lines were so funny…nonetheless, I found over 80 shows from 1990-2001..and I know every single person born in 1990 has watched and probably forgotten about at least half of them…I have tried to upload them on face book but we all know how that I’ll just name a couple off the top of my head…pepperann..pippi long stocking..what about mimi..sonic: the…dinosaurs..daria..brace face..what’s with andy…a different world…power angers..spiderman..tiny toons..angry beavers..cow and chicken…powerpuff girls..the raccoons…dextors lab..doug..uh-oh the game show..brotherly love..the big wolf on campus..boy meets world…Inspector gadget..reboot..courage the cowardly dog..JUST TO NAME A FEW…like I said I found over 80 ( yes I have a life lol)…to conclude this week of old school stuff one of my girls called me and we reminisced on the good old days by going through pictures from high I am very much aware that this was not that long seemed like it has been soooo looooong. When we were 16 we thought we were so big looking at all these pics and im like.. Why did we think we were so bad? We still had to ask to go to the corner store!! “yo pinkk wana go to the mall?“ ‘YEAH!! Hold on lemmejust ask my mom..sorry I cant my mom said no”…lol the good old days ahaha…awww man,..Eeeverything from the 90s is remarkable.. I was born in the was about something in the 90s…the BEST cartoons were from the was muuuuuch better in the 90s… listen to I feel like one of those old ladies that sit and talk about how much better things were back when haahah.. Anyways, it’s true… waaay back then everything was soo much better!! Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again just so I don’t have to many things to worry about.. But I cant so I just gotta deal with whatever God has in store for me..
Life Rough.
HELLO LOYAL READERS. I know that it has been a hot minute since I last blogged..but I have an exceptional reason why. You see, because it is Christmas break and I am home for the holidays, [ENTER NAME HERE] will not leave the internet on because he would like to save energy…which is COMPLETELY understandable because I am 100% for save the environment and maybe a couple dollars..(although I am pretty certain he doesn’t care too much for the environment) I must ask for the internet to be turned on EVERYDAY and he will not leave it on during the day..knowing that I will be home all day and will need the internet because I am a full time student and need to get in contact with peers and professors.. Also I am a leader at my school with this stupid strike thing…if the colleges DO go on strike..I know who to personally blame simply because all I needed to do was to read the e-mails that the guy sent to me…ANYWAYS..this is a new year and a new leaf..I am trying to let go of things..however people around me seem to have the same mentality and maturity level as a five year old when it come to dealing with situations…on second thought..I may not be giving five year old kid enough credit…lets say a two year old..without the drool this individual I am thinking about has more in common with a toddler than anything else..when a situation ‘goes down’ he runs to tell his daddy…first of all idiot.. You’re rapidly approaching 30...why are you still trying to live at home? With your no job, no significant other, balding, lack of intelligence looking fool…I don’t see why you’re still here taking up all the oxygen in the house… nobody wants you around..all you do is annoy people around you… now, don’t take this the wrong way..I do not wish pain or anything bad on you because that is the type of person I am…however I wish that you would grow up and find somewhere to live and more importantly a hobby..because pissing me off is NOT a hobby…no matter how good you are at it…wow..that may just be the only good thing you are good at..well congratulations J I’m happy for you. (see? I’m trying to be SUPER NICE)..anyways…I’m going to go do something productive because that’s what I do. And PS stop asking me for drugs..I am NOT your supplier. ThanksJ…PPS..if you need SENSE I got change for you…I have more than enough sense…SMH
I’m blessed with a good family, education, and there is nothing you can do to hurt me.
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